

Grace Church Family Connections

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We encourage our people to think of their connection to the Grace Family in terms of a three-legged stool. Each leg helps to support your life and connection with Jesus.

  • Following the pattern of the New Testament Church, we ask you to commit to Sunday worship.

  • Next, we ask you to connect in some way outside of Sunday morning. There are many opportunities for all ages including Grace Groups hosted in homes, men’s and women’s Bible studies, fellowship events, discipleship small groups, retreats, and youth and children’s ministries.

  • Finally, we ask you to consider and choose at least one area of service to the body of Christ.

You may choose more ways to be connected, but we believe that these three will provide a simple and stable foundation for connecting with Jesus in the life of His Church. Contact the office to schedule a meeting with a pastor who will help you find your connections to the Grace Family. 

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